The invention of SteelShield technology

The greatest thing since nonstick, SteelShield™ technology now features on our newest range C Series and is about to change cooking as you know it.
30 Mar 2021
New Cookware | Circulon C Series

Our journey to a brand-new way of cooking started with talking to you. We spoke to aspiring chefs who wanted to up their game in the kitchen. What we wanted to know was, “what’s stopping you?”

Whether nonstick cookware or stainless steel, there were likes and dislikes for both. Our aspiring chefs found great benefits for their bold dishes with both, but also many concerns.

“I use nonstick cookware all the time, but I hate that it gets easily scratched”

We asked, and we found that 76% of our survey respondents were concerned about their nonstick cookware becoming damaged during cooking, this was their number one or number two concern about nonstick.

Health and safety were a big issue to our chefs. No one wants to be unsure whether they’re eating the nonstick coating. When cooking for yourself, your family or anyone, toxicity of nonstick is a top concern.

69% of respondents cite cleaning as the aspect of cooking the dislike the most and we can understand why. Who wants to end the perfect meal by toiling over the sink when you should be relaxing with a nice drink. This was especially an issue with stainless steel. 71% report being annoyed that ‘food gets stuck’ or ‘stains and burnt food are difficult to clean.’

We listened to your concerns, and we acted. Welcome to the best of both worlds with SteelShield™

“Steel peaks protect the nonstick surface. Cooks like steel, cleans like nonstick”

Our latest innovation in cookware provides solutions to your concerns: safety, durability and easy cleaning. Only Circulon offers a unique combination of the best attributes of nonstick, with the best of stainless steel. We’ve eradicated the concerns of our aspiring chefs. Our innovative SteelShield™ technology uses highly durable, safe nonstick, combined with strong and beautiful steel peaks that radiate out in circles across the pan, protecting the surface from scratches. We’re so confident in our cookware not scratching, we even provide our own metal utensils. And best of all when you’re finished cooking, the cleaning will be a dream, whether it be a single frying pan or whole saucepan set that's been in use.

This is a world-first from Circulon! SteelShield™ technology cooks like steel, but cleans like nonstick. Now you can transform the way you cook. We’ve pioneered major advances in cookware so you can cook with complete confidence. Our innovations set the standard: engineered for the most demanding cooks and built to last a lifetime.


Shop the latest in cookware innovation – Circulon C and S Series, featuring SteelShield™ technology.

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